digonedd: alium and granny bonnets
digonedd: bee leaves thistle_edited-1
digonedd: Lupin leaf raindrop_edited-1
digonedd: fuschia_edited-1
digonedd: Periwinkle with rose thorn_edited-1
digonedd: Petal power
digonedd: Oh so RED!
digonedd: Cistus (rock rose)
digonedd: Dog rose (Rosa canina)
digonedd: Snail
digonedd: Lily and leaves
digonedd: dog rose with flower beetle
digonedd: Thistle seeds flown
digonedd: Evening Primrose (Oenothera)
digonedd: Banksia with ants
digonedd: On dark, shadowed days With just a dash of sunshine Daffodils delight
digonedd: Grainy daffodil
digonedd: Tulips
digonedd: Primula denticulata
digonedd: Double tulips
digonedd: Yellow beauty
digonedd: Clematis
digonedd: Holly blossom
digonedd: Alium bud
digonedd: Delphinium and flag iris
digonedd: Poppy
digonedd: Yellow iris
digonedd: Alium explosion
digonedd: Hover fly on valerian flower