BikeWalkKC: We're ready for you to arrive!
BikeWalkKC: RideKC Bikes at home in the Spokes hub
BikeWalkKC: RideKC and Spokes
BikeWalkKC: Welcome to Spokes
BikeWalkKC: A bounty of beers from New Belgium
BikeWalkKC: Sweet, delicious Fat Tire treats
BikeWalkKC: Attendees begin to arrive
BikeWalkKC: Jenn and Matthew
BikeWalkKC: Bunch, Robbie, and Kyle
BikeWalkKC: delete
BikeWalkKC: BWKC Policy coordinator Michael and Robin from Children's Mercy
BikeWalkKC: Tom, Sam, and Eric Vaughan
BikeWalkKC: Planning director Thomas and Maggie from KCMO
BikeWalkKC: Thomas and Maggie
BikeWalkKC: KCATA friends Robbie, David + Kyle and Bunch
BikeWalkKC: Getting ready to start
BikeWalkKC: Welcome from our emcee extraordinaire, Jake
BikeWalkKC: Jake introduces executive director Eric Rogers
BikeWalkKC: Rogers welcomes the crowd
BikeWalkKC: What a crowd!
BikeWalkKC: Policy director Eric Bunch
BikeWalkKC: Presenting on 2019 priorities
BikeWalkKC: Bunch introduces Michael Kelley
BikeWalkKC: Bunch fielding questions from the audience
BikeWalkKC: We loved the questions!
BikeWalkKC: Planning director Thomas Morefield
BikeWalkKC: Thomas explaining the range of work
BikeWalkKC: Education manager Laura Steele
BikeWalkKC: Impressive education plans this year
BikeWalkKC: Bike share director Eric Vaughan