Biker Librarian: Jeff with his award!
Biker Librarian: On the steps of the National Academy of Sciences
Biker Librarian: At the reception following the Awards Ceremony
Biker Librarian: Toasting Santiago's Math Dept.
Biker Librarian: Relaxing on the Odyssey cruise
Biker Librarian: Champagne Brunch on the Odyssey
Biker Librarian: U.S. State Department Diplomatic Room
Biker Librarian: Jim, Dawn, Jeff and me
Biker Librarian: Before the Awards Ceremony
Biker Librarian: The Four Californians
Biker Librarian: Benjamin Franklin Dining Room
Biker Librarian: Terrace, U.S. Dept. of State
Biker Librarian: Flowers from great friends