Biker Jun: Fledgling!
Biker Jun: Feeding baby
Biker Jun: Coot chick!
Biker Jun: The coot eggs have hatched!!
Biker Jun: Naptime!
Biker Jun: Coot eggs
Biker Jun: Ducklings!
Biker Jun: Parent and child nuzzling
Biker Jun: Parents greeting each other
Biker Jun: What are YOU looking at?
Biker Jun: Great turkey of Drayton
Biker Jun: Cygnet, mostly white
Biker Jun: Landing duck
Biker Jun: Nesting coot
Biker Jun: Black swan
Biker Jun: Flying swans
Biker Jun: Black-headed gull
Biker Jun: I still have my bread and you won't get it!
Biker Jun: Go away, goose! 2
Biker Jun: Go away, goose! 1
Biker Jun: Swan eating flowers
Biker Jun: Swans
Biker Jun: Cygnets
Biker Jun: Swan and cygnets
Biker Jun: Ducklings
Biker Jun: Ducks and swans
Biker Jun: Cygnet
Biker Jun: Traffic jam
Biker Jun: Sailing along
Biker Jun: Swan family