Bikeman2005: Headed to Texas Hill Country
Bikeman2005: Gearing up at the Greenbriar trail outside Muskokie, Oklahoma
Bikeman2005: Nanc out on the Greenbriar trail
Bikeman2005: Swing bridge on the Greenbriar trail
Bikeman2005: Nanc at the trailhead of Grapevine trail outside Dallas
Bikeman2005: Nanc at the trailhead of Grapevine trail outside Dallas
Bikeman2005: John clears a 18 inch ledge with a 90 degree turn at the top
Bikeman2005: Nanc launches off a root ledge into a chute
Bikeman2005: Nanc at the end after John finally walks back
Bikeman2005: Nanc contemplates jumping in
Bikeman2005: Nanc along the creek
Bikeman2005: Nanc cruises by
Bikeman2005: John fixes yet another mechanical as darkness comes
Bikeman2005: Nanc contemplates her choices after seeing the warning signs
Bikeman2005: John figures they must have survived to hang these offerings
Bikeman2005: John relaxes on the porch of the Rocky Hill Ranch Saloon
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Bikeman2005: IMG_0848_1
Bikeman2005: Flood warning sign near flood markers by Comfort, TX
Bikeman2005: John gets ready for the ride at Flat Hill Ranch; Comfort, TX
Bikeman2005: Nanc outside our accomodations for the night
Bikeman2005: John is abducted by aliens
Bikeman2005: Nanc on lower Flat Rock Ranch trail
Bikeman2005: John rides off a ledge on Hospital Hill, Flat Rock Ranch
Bikeman2005: Your mom went that way!
Bikeman2005: John cleans a rocky technical section at Flat Rock
Bikeman2005: Nancy gets closer for a better look
Bikeman2005: It feels like a light sea shell - nice nails Nanc