bigyahu: Sacha part way down Castle, Mt Owen in background
bigyahu: Sacha a bit toey 90% up the Castle
bigyahu: View towards Nieblung and Shrouded Gods from the Castle
bigyahu: Self portrait on a very windy day
bigyahu: looking west off the Castle, Mt Owen, Cole and Corang
bigyahu: Off the spine of the Castle towards Nieblung
bigyahu: Rusden Head, Island Mountain, Holland Gorge north of Castle
bigyahu: Self portrait in the wind, Pidgeonhouse across left shoulder
bigyahu: The breast of Pigeonhouse and the ocean in the distance
bigyahu: the spine again
bigyahu: Sacha grinning and bearing it near the top of the Castle
bigyahu: panorama from North to East from the top of the Castle
bigyahu: Shake and bake, baby! Shake and bake!
bigyahu: Our campfire drew visitors
bigyahu: Dinner time for the boys
bigyahu: contemplating the eternal flame
bigyahu: reading William Gibson's 'Spook Country'
bigyahu: alec and luca playing with their Ed The Chicken Happy Meal toys
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