bigyahu: Judges and winning team #techfugees #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Judges and winning team #techfugees #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Winners #goalify get huge props from judges #hack4refugees #techfugees
bigyahu: Winners #goalify get huge props from judges #hack4refugees #techfugees
bigyahu: 2nd place winners #ourtable yay @tsushow #techfugees #hack4refugees
bigyahu: 2nd place winners #ourtable yay @tsushow #techfugees #hack4refugees
bigyahu: 3rd place winners #arrivalhub have their first customer Liverpool Council #hack4refugees #techfugees
bigyahu: 3rd place winners #arrivalhub have their first customer Liverpool Council #hack4refugees #techfugees
bigyahu: Video pitch from remote participant Patrick with translator app#hack4refugees
bigyahu: Video pitch from remote participant Patrick with translator app#hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #Sato pitches a clever, simple translator app for refugee paperwork #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #Sato pitches a clever, simple translator app for refugee paperwork #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Another 1 person team: Jason pitches #Doclink platform for finding local health services #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Another 1 person team: Jason pitches #Doclink platform for finding local health services #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #skillsconnect will put refugee interns into Australian corporates #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #skillsconnect will put refugee interns into Australian corporates #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #Feetfirst wants to help new Australians build a portfolio of work and experience #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #Feetfirst wants to help new Australians build a portfolio of work and experience #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Peter pitches #arrivalhub curated guide to local community on mobile #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Peter pitches #arrivalhub curated guide to local community on mobile #hack4refugees
bigyahu: 1 person team #onebigsky pitching service bartering platform #hack4refugees
bigyahu: 1 person team #onebigsky pitching service bartering platform #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #childrensphilosophy pitching teaching moral philosophy to younger new Australians #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #childrensphilosophy pitching teaching moral philosophy to younger new Australians #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #bustthebubble pitch a platform matching professionals with new Australians for events #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #bustthebubble pitch a platform matching professionals with new Australians for events #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #ourtable pitch a social meal-matching platform for new Australians #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #ourtable pitch a social meal-matching platform for new Australians #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #goalify pitch a SMART goal-tracking tool for new Australians #hack4refugees
bigyahu: Team #goalify pitch a SMART goal-tracking tool for new Australians #hack4refugees