bigyahu: iVote by Web: nice, you get a receipt!
bigyahu: iVote by Web - voting summary
bigyahu: iVote by Web: what a beast of a form!
bigyahu: iVote by Web: lovely red arrows to remind you there's more of the form off to the right
bigyahu: iVote by Web: well, at least it's legible to the vision-impaired (but it scrolls away for miles!)
bigyahu: iVote by Web: instructions for Leg Council vote
bigyahu: iVote by Web: seeking more info? Lose your voting progress
bigyahu: iVote by Web - weird number nav
bigyahu: iVote: my votes are below the fold
bigyahu: iVote by Web: could use a checkbox or two here and some left-justified copy
bigyahu: iGeek and iVote - NSW State Elections online voting interface