bigyahu: setting out
bigyahu: setting out
bigyahu: the first view
bigyahu: look how far we've come already
bigyahu: up on a cliff
bigyahu: in good spirits
bigyahu: my thinning hair and silly glasses
bigyahu: on the trail
bigyahu: tramping on
bigyahu: hiking, hiking
bigyahu: getting bloody hot
bigyahu: a well-deserved break at Goodsell Ck
bigyahu: Crossing the bridge at Goodsell Ck
bigyahu: are you sure it works underwater dad?
bigyahu: crossing a log
bigyahu: pretty hot now
bigyahu: would really like a swim
bigyahu: yay the cascades!
bigyahu: first swim
bigyahu: tony goes he man
bigyahu: alan slips in
bigyahu: alan and alec swimming
bigyahu: alan takes a dip