bigyahu: First trailwalker team meeting Lord Nelson
bigyahu: Made it to Cowan
bigyahu: About to set off again
bigyahu: You have a camera?
bigyahu: Look, over here!
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bigyahu: More walking on a cold night
bigyahu: Walking somewhere near Kambora
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bigyahu: Ben says just because we're in the bush doesn't mean we can't enjoy good coffee
bigyahu: Dominique looks ready to walk another 40km
bigyahu: Tariq, on his first training walk with the crew
bigyahu: Bruno and Roddy in the mist
bigyahu: Bruno texting his loved ones
bigyahu: The team is, frankly, knackered
bigyahu: Dom shows off her fingerless gloves
bigyahu: Lu and his 10kg pillow
bigyahu: Bruno and Adam muster a rare smile
bigyahu: The end in sight! Dummy Spit Bridge from the hill above at 4am
bigyahu: What remains of the team prepares for the descent to Dummy Spit Bridge