bigyahu: DSC08617
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bigyahu: DSC08621
bigyahu: aharrr me hearties!
bigyahu: Auditioning for ZZ Top II
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bigyahu: nice green bit below the hermitage
bigyahu: Valley of the Hermits
bigyahu: When life gives you rocks
bigyahu: Hello? Anybody home?
bigyahu: Monk's outlook
bigyahu: prayer flags on the edge of raging torrent
bigyahu: prayer flags help you find where the path is in winter
bigyahu: stupas above the hermitage
bigyahu: Didn't know "hermitage" means "place where hermit lives" until I climbed up to one
bigyahu: Climbed all the way up here
bigyahu: this sh8t is steep
bigyahu: Near-freezing glacial melt refreshes the parts other waters do not reach
bigyahu: DSC08654
bigyahu: DSC08655
bigyahu: it's a long way down, as it usually is in these parts
bigyahu: kind of a track but more of a cliff
bigyahu: yikes
bigyahu: mmm i love hand-made shale steps with no mortar at the edge of a cliff
bigyahu: soft edge
bigyahu: 'safe' bit
bigyahu: i guess i'm just taller than the monks
bigyahu: over the rooftops of Lari back towards Tabo