bigyahu: Alec in the pool at the Imperial
bigyahu: Alec in the pool at the Imperial
bigyahu: Chilling in our room at Johnstone's Lodge
bigyahu: Alec trys out his first Enfield Bullet
bigyahu: Enfield Bullet instrument panel
bigyahu: Temple and palace view
bigyahu: Hindu temple with Kullui roof
bigyahu: Alec ringing the temple bell
bigyahu: Hindu temple
bigyahu: Great sign
bigyahu: Even better sign!
bigyahu: Alec's flower arrangement
bigyahu: Kids in Manali
bigyahu: Close shave
bigyahu: School bus kids
bigyahu: The littlest monkey
bigyahu: Momma monkey
bigyahu: Alec observing the monkey troop
bigyahu: DSC07779.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07783.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07801.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07815.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07818.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07820.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07840.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07858.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07908.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07922.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07924.JPG
bigyahu: DSC07934.JPG