bigyahu: james cooper AU release disc art
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, 1&4
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, inside 2&3
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, inside tray
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, sticker in situ
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, front sticker
bigyahu: James Cooper, Second Season, CD tray back
bigyahu: myspaceadd ad.png
bigyahu: James gets soulful down at Circular Quay for the photographer
bigyahu: James gets busky for the photographer
bigyahu: James Cooper mention in SMH's Metro section
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006
bigyahu: James Cooper album launch at The Vanguard, Newtown 31 August 2006