bigyahu: me on guitar
bigyahu: Riding on the shoulders of giants
bigyahu: DSC00538
bigyahu: DSC00174
bigyahu: Chorus line
bigyahu: DSC00175
bigyahu: My Simpsons avatar
bigyahu: Waiting for Gotye
bigyahu: hunchback of crows nest
bigyahu: tickles!
bigyahu: Preschool disco: we're hot, we're tired, and we're hungry
bigyahu: DSC00168
bigyahu: DSC00172
bigyahu: DSC00171
bigyahu: Seafood, sunshine and Stella!
bigyahu: But you may call me "General Jones"
bigyahu: space-age bluetooth headphones
bigyahu: me and Garth
bigyahu: I look sleepy, Mel looks babeolicious
bigyahu: And the prize for least convincing Preschool Santa of 2006 goes to...
bigyahu: Mummy, why does Santa have a white beard and curly brown hair?
bigyahu: lemme see, what's in my sack?
bigyahu: Santa, out of drag, with son
bigyahu: Jesus, MySpace, and me
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bigyahu: DSC02351.JPG
bigyahu: Big boy and bigger boy
bigyahu: OK I'm bored of photos now
bigyahu: A brief snack of Dad before we go
bigyahu: DSC02578.JPG