bigrob66: Door of Saint Catherine
bigrob66: Portals formerly open to courtyard
bigrob66: Door and walkway
bigrob66: Patio de los Naranjos
bigrob66: interior wall around patio
bigrob66: the patio's original irrigation system
bigrob66: Puerta del Perdón
bigrob66: Islamic woodwork
bigrob66: columns and arches
bigrob66: still more columns and arches
bigrob66: remains of the basilica of San Vicente
bigrob66: big pink dude
bigrob66: it's just sooooo Catholic
bigrob66: capilla
bigrob66: doubled arches
bigrob66: Capilla de Villaviciosa
bigrob66: gloomy but cool
bigrob66: ceiling detail
bigrob66: interior details
bigrob66: more Arabic script
bigrob66: mihrab
bigrob66: mihrab
bigrob66: IMG_0529s
bigrob66: Islamic simplicity meets baroque complexity
bigrob66: interior columns
bigrob66: pattern of light
bigrob66: more patterns of light
bigrob66: early Arabic
bigrob66: spot light
bigrob66: much scaffolding