bigquestionmarks: Leaving Australia
bigquestionmarks: Surprisingly good Jetstar food!
bigquestionmarks: Jetstar fun!
bigquestionmarks: The Dreamliner
bigquestionmarks: Japanese toilets
bigquestionmarks: IMG_0390.jpg
bigquestionmarks: Vending machines everywhere
bigquestionmarks: Shibuya crossing
bigquestionmarks: 1000% wedding
bigquestionmarks: Cooking ourselves dinner
bigquestionmarks: First dinner
bigquestionmarks: We heart Tokyo
bigquestionmarks: Ramen from a vending machine
bigquestionmarks: Hurrah! Ramen ordered
bigquestionmarks: Late night ramen shop
bigquestionmarks: Robot street signs
bigquestionmarks: Matcha latte
bigquestionmarks: Deciphering the subway system
bigquestionmarks: Foamy building
bigquestionmarks: Cheers mate