bigquestionmarks: Ready for another adventure...
bigquestionmarks: Two Crumplers are better than one.
bigquestionmarks: Front-row seats
bigquestionmarks: Enjoying the ride
bigquestionmarks: Scenic Pennsylvania
bigquestionmarks: House on a hill
bigquestionmarks: Stop the bus!
bigquestionmarks: Suddenly the theme song from "The Office" came into our heads.
bigquestionmarks: Hello Pennsylvania!
bigquestionmarks: Our gigantic suite!
bigquestionmarks: Our suite again!
bigquestionmarks: Enormous bed!
bigquestionmarks: The view from our balcony
bigquestionmarks: Swann Fountain
bigquestionmarks: Swann Fountain, Logan Square
bigquestionmarks: Swann Fountain, Logan Square
bigquestionmarks: George Washington sculpture
bigquestionmarks: Adrian at Mace's Crossing Pub
bigquestionmarks: Logan Square during the day
bigquestionmarks: Benjamin Franklin Parkway & Logan Square
bigquestionmarks: Our hotel
bigquestionmarks: Love Park (aka JFK Plaza)
bigquestionmarks: Dayle & the Phanatic
bigquestionmarks: What an odd character
bigquestionmarks: Reminds us on Monopoly
bigquestionmarks: Love Park (aka JFK Plaza)
bigquestionmarks: Mr. Jefferson loves Philly
bigquestionmarks: Love Park
bigquestionmarks: Love Park
bigquestionmarks: Old City Hall