bigpow: Sigma 30mm f/1.4 Test: bokeh & background blur
bigpow: Lady Bugs in love 2
bigpow: Lady Bugs in love 1
bigpow: Walnut Flower Bloom
bigpow: Walnut Flower Buds
bigpow: Japanese Maple Dew
bigpow: Dandelion 1
bigpow: Dandelion 2
bigpow: 135mm f/2.0, FD to EOS, test 1
bigpow: 135mm f/2.0, FD to EOS, test 3
bigpow: eD A5 - 350
bigpow: 240G Loach Tank
bigpow: Fish: Guppy
bigpow: Fish: Panda Garra
bigpow: 20G Experiment Tank
bigpow: 125G Planted Tank
bigpow: Around the yard 1
bigpow: Around the yard 2
bigpow: Around the yard 3
bigpow: Pus in the Jungle
bigpow: Pus in the Jungle
bigpow: Pus in the Jungle
bigpow: Cak Domo - Get it?