BigFreaky: monster lurking
BigFreaky: tribal frog
BigFreaky: awww so cute
BigFreaky: pretty bird
BigFreaky: totem top
BigFreaky: I know you can read
BigFreaky: adventure awaits!
BigFreaky: this better not be damn chippy!
BigFreaky: lost luggage
BigFreaky: angry at me
BigFreaky: gold in dem' der' hills
BigFreaky: feeding time
BigFreaky: skull
BigFreaky: bag o' bones
BigFreaky: I didn't do it! they were like that already!
BigFreaky: tokyo
BigFreaky: melbourne
BigFreaky: hippo drinking fountain
BigFreaky: chompin'
BigFreaky: junk in the trunk
BigFreaky: blues bird
BigFreaky: jerry
BigFreaky: bees knees
BigFreaky: jeep
BigFreaky: it whips the llamas ass
BigFreaky: tongue
BigFreaky: lion drinking fountain