Bigeyes34: the rababah
Bigeyes34: Arc d'Hadrien__Jerash
Bigeyes34: 15 liters of water per minute
Bigeyes34: The Siq
Bigeyes34: Le Forum et le Cardo maximus
Bigeyes34: the laugh of the dromedary
Bigeyes34: at the end of the canyon (sik) the treasure was seen
Bigeyes34: pomegranate juice seller.. Mount Nebo
Bigeyes34: 'Petra the treasure'
Bigeyes34: Bedouin police
Bigeyes34: Bedouin wool spinner__Little Petra
Bigeyes34: The Farwa _traditional bedouin coat
Bigeyes34: typical dress shop
Bigeyes34: La pause
Bigeyes34: Meditation in the siq
Bigeyes34: Amman vue de la citadelle
Bigeyes34: once upon a time in the wadi
Bigeyes34: La mer Morte
Bigeyes34: Le Wadi Rum
Bigeyes34: Merchant in his tent
Bigeyes34: Salt sea and desert