Eddie Morris: Hiram coming in after Julia's screams
Eddie Morris: H and J in the roosting pine
Eddie Morris: Hiram breaking his stick
Eddie Morris: Hiram and his stick
Eddie Morris: all three birds in the nest tree
Eddie Morris: a does on the road at the river pull off
Eddie Morris: deer in the Dill Branch hollow
Eddie Morris: cannon in the park
Eddie Morris: A Great Blue Heron below the Savannah bridge
Eddie Morris: the outsider in the cannon oak first thing this morning
Eddie Morris: H and J in Julia's roosting tree
Eddie Morris: H and J in Julia's roosting tree
Eddie Morris: deer at the Bloody Pond
Eddie Morris: Hiram at the cannon oak
Eddie Morris: Hiram and Julia at the nest
Eddie Morris: all three birds at the nest tree
Eddie Morris: dingle berries on a cedar tree
Eddie Morris: doe at the river pull off
Eddie Morris: Ring Billed Gull in the river bottom
Eddie Morris: Gulls in the river bottom