Big Eagle Owl: dscn1782
Big Eagle Owl: Lovers?
Big Eagle Owl: Big foot
Big Eagle Owl: Who's the boss?
Big Eagle Owl: dscn1814
Big Eagle Owl: Kunsthistorisches
Big Eagle Owl: Michaelerkirche
Big Eagle Owl: Hofburg
Big Eagle Owl: Vienna's Rathaus
Big Eagle Owl: Hofburg
Big Eagle Owl: Schauffler Platz
Big Eagle Owl: Hundertwasserhaus
Big Eagle Owl: Just another day guarding the Upper Belvedere!
Big Eagle Owl: Upper Belvedere
Big Eagle Owl: Upper Belvedere
Big Eagle Owl: Maid of the Mist
Big Eagle Owl: Floating?
Big Eagle Owl: Jesuitenkirche