Anna L Conti: North Lake
Anna L Conti: Buffalo paddock, Golden Gate Park
Anna L Conti: Dave finds flag bonanza
Anna L Conti: cat feeding station
Anna L Conti: approaching the old Marine Exchange (octogon building)
Anna L Conti: octogon building, steps
Anna L Conti: the octogon building at Ft. Miley
Anna L Conti: wouldn't this be a great place for a picnic?
Anna L Conti: picnic area at Battery Chester
Anna L Conti: before the trees grew up
Anna L Conti: location
Anna L Conti: picnic area
Anna L Conti: Battery Chester
Anna L Conti: hidden entrance
Anna L Conti: much of this battery is overgrown
Anna L Conti: path to the meadow
Anna L Conti: a meadow on the battery
Anna L Conti: spears
Anna L Conti: steps
Anna L Conti: Lots of underground structures
Anna L Conti: votive nook
Anna L Conti: directions
Anna L Conti: changing film
Anna L Conti: View of the Golden Gate from Battery Chester
Anna L Conti: View of Marin Headlands from Battery Chester
Anna L Conti: View of Pt. Reyes from Battery Chester
Anna L Conti: Overlooking Sutro Baths
Anna L Conti: A Bad Idea, poorly executed.
Anna L Conti: Sailboards & Kites
Anna L Conti: Ocean Beach Sunday