bigcoyote33: DMC HOMER J. SIMPSON - BAGDAD, AZ. RALLY 2007
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST 016
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST 005
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST - bonnet stripes closeup
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST - Bonnet stripes - checkmate style
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST - boot stripes - plaid - checkmate style
bigcoyote33: Dec. 10th Ice Cream run - Mesa , AZ -- Plaid Ghost
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST 003
bigcoyote33: DMC HOMER J. SIMPSON - BAGDAD, AZ. RALLY 2007
bigcoyote33: DMC Ice Cream Social - 7-9-06 -- The Plaid Ghost
bigcoyote33: The Plaid Ghost - Jerome
bigcoyote33: rearviewshot
bigcoyote33: Roosevent run 7-29-06 - 1st regroup stop - rest area on 188
bigcoyote33: DMCMINIRUN-TortillaFlat8-27-06
bigcoyote33: DMC Ice Cream Run 4-8-2007
bigcoyote33: PLAIDGHOST 021
bigcoyote33: Roosevent run 7-29-06 - 1st re-group stop
bigcoyote33: DMC South Mtn. Run 1-13-2007 -- Scorpion Gultch
bigcoyote33: 1963MINI 003
bigcoyote33: 3802695_aeaf88f98a
bigcoyote33: mikescar-1
bigcoyote33: Jerome Parking
bigcoyote33: DMCJeromerun6-25-06 002
bigcoyote33: DMCJeromerun6-25-06 001
bigcoyote33: Prescott - regroup
bigcoyote33: asfarastheeyecansee
bigcoyote33: chasedbygold
bigcoyote33: jerome1
bigcoyote33: ontime