Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady and his littermates
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady at the breeder, the day we picked him up
Brady the Golden Retriever: First day home with dad
Brady the Golden Retriever: First day home with mom
Brady the Golden Retriever: The first time I held Brady
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady and his brother
Brady the Golden Retriever: Look how little he was!
Brady the Golden Retriever: One of my favorite baby photos
Brady the Golden Retriever: Finally, he sleeps!
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady and his leash
Brady the Golden Retriever: Don't let the cute face fool you
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady as a puppy
Brady the Golden Retriever: I miss this face!
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady the golden boy
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady the lion king
Brady the Golden Retriever: Cute puppy shark
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady and Ge-roff (now deceased)
Brady the Golden Retriever: Brady's first trip to the dog park
Brady the Golden Retriever: Fontana and Brady