Bigadore: The Daily Mirror 'Canadian Official' Post Card
Bigadore: Over the Top
Bigadore: 'Tanked' Canada's German Prisoners Follow the Tank
Bigadore: Wounded But Not Too Ill for a Smoke
Bigadore: The King Reviews the Canadians at the Front
Bigadore: Time's up -- Over you go!
Bigadore: They 'keep on a 'shufflin' along'
Bigadore: The Suspended Image of Albert Cathedral
Bigadore: 'Gee up'; Back from the Firing Line
Bigadore: Two Little Friends
Bigadore: Are They Only Discussing Potatoes?
Bigadore: The Start for 'Blighty'
Bigadore: The Tank that Broke the Ranks
Bigadore: Canada Finds a Little Dog
Bigadore: Greetings from France
Bigadore: The End: Surrender of the German Navy
Bigadore: Signing of the Armistice