G and J Photography: Sharager being hard work, as usual...
G and J Photography: Go on then if you insist.
G and J Photography: Glutton Food Show - Thorpe Farm - August 9th 2009-3
G and J Photography: Glutton Food Show - Thorpe Farm - August 9th 2009-4
G and J Photography: Peregrine Falcon
G and J Photography: Peregrine Falcon
G and J Photography: Peregrine Falcon
G and J Photography: Peregrine Falcon
G and J Photography: Common Buzzard
G and J Photography: Spotted or African Eagle Owl
G and J Photography: European Eagle Owl
G and J Photography: Common Buzzard
G and J Photography: Common Buzzard
G and J Photography: Common Buzzard
G and J Photography: European Eagle Owl
G and J Photography: Arri the Harris Hawk
G and J Photography: Arri the Harris Hawk
G and J Photography: Arri the Harris Hawk flying display
G and J Photography: Spotted or African Eagle Owl
G and J Photography: European Eagle Owl
G and J Photography: European Eagle Owl