Fredicvs Maximvs: stadium lights
Fredicvs Maximvs: scary ball
Fredicvs Maximvs: rangers dugout
Fredicvs Maximvs: swingannamiss
Fredicvs Maximvs: dawn conn fred
Fredicvs Maximvs: maggie and co
Fredicvs Maximvs: red dot wins
Fredicvs Maximvs: will he swing
Fredicvs Maximvs: broken bat
Fredicvs Maximvs: foul ball
Fredicvs Maximvs: DTC at the game 1
Fredicvs Maximvs: DTC at the game 2
Fredicvs Maximvs: Lindy and Kevin
Fredicvs Maximvs: Kevin w snax
Fredicvs Maximvs: throwing souvenirs
Fredicvs Maximvs: funny company