Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Didgeridoo class with Jim Gangon
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Didgeridoo class with Jim Gangon
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Rex, Dr. Pepper and Brian
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Didgeridoo class with Jim Gangon
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Friday night jam at Rhythm Renewal
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Drum the Ecstatic
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Christian Hall - St Francis University Loretto, PA
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: View from behind Christian Hall
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Me in the Boilerhouse
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Me in the Boilerhouse
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Elie Kihonia, Jim Donovan, Mike Deaton, Daveed Korup
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: Elie Kihonia, Jim Donovan, Mike Deaton, Daveed Korup
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: The Boilerhouse 2
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: The Boilerhouse 4
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: The Boilerhouse 3
Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith: The Lady with the Flutes (Janet) and Me