Bicycle Network: 12 Apostles - Arial shot 3
Bicycle Network: tentcityaerial
Bicycle Network: Riders in front of coastline
Bicycle Network: GV viewcliff
Bicycle Network: Arial shot - 12 apostles
Bicycle Network: Arial shot - coastline
Bicycle Network: Riders passing the 12 Apostles
Bicycle Network: Arial shot - riders and the coastline
Bicycle Network: Arial shot 2 - 12 apostles
Bicycle Network: Bike and riders at a lookout
Bicycle Network: Coastline meets the ocean
Bicycle Network: Making the climb
Bicycle Network: Rider pasing coastline
Bicycle Network: Riders at a lookout
Bicycle Network: Riders walking to the beach
Bicycle Network: Rugged coastline
Bicycle Network: The 12 Apostles # 2
Bicycle Network: Excited rider
Bicycle Network: The 12 Apostles
Bicycle Network: Cave on the coast