bichxa: DSCN0961
bichxa: DSCN1006
bichxa: DSC_4700cropped2
bichxa: Parliament house
bichxa: Toronto
bichxa: My ex-Roommate :)
bichxa: at Japanese Garden
bichxa: Guess WHAT?
bichxa: flower_1024x705
bichxa: Colored lights
bichxa: DSC_7154resized
bichxa: Morning Dust
bichxa: From a Dream of the Sunshine
bichxa: More than a Happy Ending
bichxa: Finding the Promised Land
bichxa: Non Serviam
bichxa: Ways to heaven, perhaps?
bichxa: the Wonder-child
bichxa: Lighting through my soul
bichxa: You are my sunshine
bichxa: "I lost my front teeth but I am still cute!"
bichxa: Industrialized
bichxa: Fall has reached Union!
bichxa: Fluffy, that's my pet
bichxa: A sweet Rosh Hashanah for you all