Bichomel: Mr. Monkey and Toro Cat~
Bichomel: Making Little B~
Bichomel: Making Little B 2~
Bichomel: Little B and Mr. Monkey~
Bichomel: 飛踢猴子~
Bichomel: 虐待猴子實錄~
Bichomel: 虐待猴子實錄2~
Bichomel: Alex head with Toro's body~~~ XD
Bichomel: 導光天使與閃光光頭~ :P
Bichomel: Ross and Angel~
Bichomel: Making Ross~
Bichomel: iPod...?
Bichomel: 導光天使與閃光光頭2~
Bichomel: 導光天使與閃光光頭3~
Bichomel: Ross, Angel and Toro 2~
Bichomel: Ross, Angel and Toro~
Bichomel: Toro with Angel's hat~
Bichomel: Ross with Angel's hat~
Bichomel: 合照2~
Bichomel: 合照~
Bichomel: 合照3~
Bichomel: Ross and Angel in the Bridge 2~
Bichomel: Little B in the Bridge~
Bichomel: Ross and Angel in the Bridge~
Bichomel: Toro in the Bridge~
Bichomel: 把猴子推落河~~~
Bichomel: 20100803-3
Bichomel: 20100803-2
Bichomel: 20100803-1
Bichomel: 搣耳仔~