bichane: Albertosaurus 1
bichane: Albertosaurus 2
bichane: Albertosaurus 3
bichane: Embedded
bichane: Mammoth and sabre tooth cats
bichane: On display
bichane: T-Rex 1
bichane: T-Rex 2
bichane: T-Rex 3
bichane: Camarasaurus
bichane: Dimetrodon
bichane: Edmontosaurus
bichane: Stegosaurus
bichane: Triceratops
bichane: Snack time
bichane: Big enough
bichane: Skull
bichane: Skeleton
bichane: Prosaurolophus
bichane: Pleisiosaur
bichane: Hypacrosaurus
bichane: Fishysaurus
bichane: Triceratops 3
bichane: Triceratops 2
bichane: Chasmosaurines
bichane: All the better to eat you with my dear
bichane: The kill