Bibliotek: Sherman, Tx after a storm
Bibliotek: Sherman, TX Super 8
Bibliotek: Texas sunset on Cheeky
Bibliotek: Mom catching the sights
Bibliotek: We weren't the only ones on the Riverwalk
Bibliotek: Riverwalk
Bibliotek: River-eye view
Bibliotek: Starting the tour
Bibliotek: Great mall
Bibliotek: Lush greenery
Bibliotek: Chamber of Commerce should be proud
Bibliotek: Mall
Bibliotek: Plants everywhere
Bibliotek: Colors
Bibliotek: Boats at the ready
Bibliotek: Someone tell me what statue this is, please
Bibliotek: Great architecture
Bibliotek: No sign of winter
Bibliotek: Pedestrian-friendly
Bibliotek: Waterfall
Bibliotek: IMG_1870
Bibliotek: Sweeping staircase
Bibliotek: Around the bend
Bibliotek: Shade helps cope with temps
Bibliotek: Working to fix winter damage
Bibliotek: Beautiful plantings
Bibliotek: Where's Bullock?
Bibliotek: Yep, more ducks
Bibliotek: Ditto
Bibliotek: Some babies in there