Bibliotek: more Montana smiles
Bibliotek: Montana smiles
Bibliotek: Grandma, Dad, cousin and bride - all together with flower girl and ring bearer
Bibliotek: Getting ready to meet her groom
Bibliotek: Before the ceremony begins
Bibliotek: Grandma Hartman
Bibliotek: Grandma Hartman
Bibliotek: Waiting for attendants
Bibliotek: Attendant
Bibliotek: attendants arriving
Bibliotek: attendants
Bibliotek: attendants arriving
Bibliotek: Attendants
Bibliotek: attendants
Bibliotek: Attendants
Bibliotek: attendants
Bibliotek: attendants
Bibliotek: Flower girl
Bibliotek: Nick catches sight of his bride
Bibliotek: Catching sight of her groom
Bibliotek: Can't stop looking
Bibliotek: Walking up with dad
Bibliotek: Hugs from both parents
Bibliotek: Standing next to her groom
Bibliotek: Ceremony begins
Bibliotek: Ceremony
Bibliotek: Vows
Bibliotek: Singers
Bibliotek: Singing
Bibliotek: Rings