bibleblender: Texas grand jury indicts Netflix on felony "lewd exhibition' charges over Cuties film. Netflix says "we stand by the film".
bibleblender: Satanic Temple sues ad firm over refusal to allow promotion of TST abortions as sacred religious rituals.
bibleblender: God instructs Moses to consecrate every firstborn male in commemoration of the day Israelites were freed from slavery (Exodus 13:1 - 13:16).
bibleblender: Jesus heals the blind men - Jesus touches their eyes and gives two blind men their sight back (Matthew 20:29 - 20:34).
bibleblender: The origin of Passover - God gives Passover restrictions to Moses and the Israelites (Exodus 12:40 - 12:51)
bibleblender: Washington D.C. archbishop denounces Trump visit to Catholic shrine as "reprehensible".
bibleblender: A mother requests the impossible as Jesus reveals the Father's wishes supersede his own (Matthew 20:20 - 20:28).
bibleblender: Were the ten biblical plagues natural events? Would it matter if they were?
bibleblender: God strikes down all the firstborn in Egypt triggering the beginning of the Israelite's' exodus (Exodus 12:29 - 12:39).
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Rosh Hashana–Synopsis.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Rosh Hashana–Synopsis.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Rosh Hashana - Regulations concerning the intercalating of the month, the cornet, and the prayers of the New Year's Day.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Rosh Hashana - Ordinances about the witnesses concerning the new moon...
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Rosh Hashana - The ordinances about the New Years of the Jewish calendar.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tracts Shekalmi.
bibleblender: Israel threatens to pull Christian TV station aimed at Jews for violating rules against attempting to convert others.
bibleblender: Jesus predicts his death for the third time (Matthew 20:17 - 20:19).
bibleblender: The Jewish Babylonian Talmud – Section Moed – Tract Sabbath – Regulations concerning preparation of food and beverages.
bibleblender: The Jewish Babylonian Talmud – Section Moed – Tract Sabbath – Regulations regarding the clearing off of required space, the assistance to be given cattle when giving birth and to women about to be confined.
bibleblender: The Jewish Babylonian Talmud – Section Moed – Tract Sabbath – Regulations concerning the handling of utensils and furniture on the Sabbath.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tract Baba Kama - Introduction and synopsis.
bibleblender: The Jewish Babylonian Talmud – Section Moed – Tract Sabbath – Regulations concerning a man who is overtaken by dusk on the eve of Sabbath while travelling and concerning feeding of cattle.
bibleblender: The Jewish Babylonian Talmud – Section Moed – Tract Sabbath – Regulations concerning borrowing, casting lots, waiting for the close of the Sabbath, and attending to a corpse.
bibleblender: Jewish Babylonian Talmud - Tract Baba Metzia - Laws relating to bailments, hirers, losses on deposited articles as to their quantity and quality...