bhry23: koi
bhry23: IMG_9925.jpg
bhry23: IMG_9944.jpg
bhry23: malayo ang tingin
bhry23: mulan
bhry23: singapore hotel room view
bhry23: the world is round indeed!
bhry23: ben & jerry.. by cring
bhry23: raffles
bhry23: charan!
bhry23: beatles merchandise
bhry23: match boxes = traffic!
bhry23: metal sculp
bhry23: night safari
bhry23: astro
bhry23: Les Aventures de Tintin
bhry23: strong to the finish
bhry23: popeye riding rocket
bhry23: tintin and snowy
bhry23: ultraman
bhry23: evolution of "the mouse"
bhry23: mickeys.. as old as it gets
bhry23: old donalds
bhry23: now showing
bhry23: vintage cars
bhry23: buildings..
bhry23: through the viewfinder
bhry23: belat!