Bharfot: German Gomez: "Juan, from a whisper to a scream" (2004)
Bharfot: German Gomez: "Juan, from a whisper to a scream" (2004)
Bharfot: Pierre Gonnord: "Marie" & "El Manuel" (2006)
Bharfot: Pierre Gonnord: "Bernardo" (2006)
Bharfot: Pierre Gonnord: "Bernardo" & "Agnes" (2006)
Bharfot: German Gomez: "Dioni, from a whisper to a scream" (2004)
Bharfot: Alicia Martin: "Contemporaneos IX" (2004)
Bharfot: Alicia Martin: "Contemporaneos IX", detail
Bharfot: Alicia Martin: "Contemporaneos IX", detail
Bharfot: Jose Ballester: "PS1 - The White Gallery", detail
Bharfot: Jose Ballester: "PS1 - The White Gallery" (2006)
Bharfot: Jose Ballester: "Rijksmuseum" (2005)
Bharfot: Jose Ballester: "Rijksmuseum" (2005)
Bharfot: Aitor Ortiz: "Light Walls 022" (2006)
Bharfot: Aitor Ortiz: "Light Walls 022" (2006)
Bharfot: Aitor Ortiz: "Light Walls 022" (2006)
Bharfot: Angel Marcos: "China 2", detail
Bharfot: Angel Marcos: "China 2" (2007)
Bharfot: Light installation, detail
Bharfot: Light installation, detail
Bharfot: Jordi Colomer: "Anarchitekton Barcelona", detail
Bharfot: Jordi Colomer: "Anarchitekton Brasilia", detail
Bharfot: Jordi Colomer: "Anarchitekton Brasilia", detail
Bharfot: Jordi Colomer: "Anarchitekton"
Bharfot: Jordi Colomer: "Anarchitekton"
Bharfot: Ignasi Aballi: "Street Corners" (2003)
Bharfot: Isidor Blasco: "Stairs 1" (2007)
Bharfot: Isidor Blasco: "Stairs 1", detail