bharadc23: A final view of the Jammu range from Banikhet
bharadc23: The road back to Banikhet
bharadc23: Army truck readied for an icey journey
bharadc23: Bottle in snow
bharadc23: A view of the stars from our campsite
bharadc23: Sunset at Kalatop, from sunset point
bharadc23: The sunset point at Kalatop just below our campsite
bharadc23: Ferns, Kalatop
bharadc23: Kalatop Forest guest house - a carpet of snow melting down
bharadc23: Kalatop Forest guest house
bharadc23: En route to Kalatop, the highest point in Dalhousie
bharadc23: A view of the Jammu range from Dalhousie
bharadc23: Only during winter
bharadc23: Leaf inside an icicle
bharadc23: A tiny building amidst snow
bharadc23: Soft snow at Dalhousie
bharadc23: An empty coca cola bottle in snow
bharadc23: Ice melting away fast
bharadc23: Wooden houses covered in snow