puffy green: the best things in life aren't things
puffy green: old shcool
puffy green: columbus circle
puffy green: me and annie
puffy green: Juniors
puffy green: new camera!!
puffy green: stitchery
puffy green: see through reflection
puffy green: real life
puffy green: sunset LIC
puffy green: watching the sun set
puffy green: miss annie
puffy green: evening light
puffy green: on the bottom of the pool
puffy green: up, from under.
puffy green: multiplyed
puffy green: sha sha shar sharlina!
puffy green: n.y. chill
puffy green: land mine
puffy green: the big squeez
puffy green: the mom
puffy green: little man james
puffy green: the pops
puffy green: cavelry
puffy green: migration