B.G. Johnson:
Dresden Dolls at Avalon
B.G. Johnson:
The chanteuse
B.G. Johnson:
The drummer
B.G. Johnson:
coin op-er-ated boy
B.G. Johnson:
In the port of Amsterdam there's sailor who drinks
B.G. Johnson:
And he drinks and he drinks and he drinks once again
B.G. Johnson:
He'll drink to the health of the whores of Amsterdam
B.G. Johnson:
drumming in the dark
B.G. Johnson:
And they all came crashing down
B.G. Johnson:
Look, ma! A man in a bowler hat and no shirt!
B.G. Johnson:
purple haze
B.G. Johnson:
on a starry night.
B.G. Johnson:
Amanda casts a sultry glance
B.G. Johnson:
A new doll appears
B.G. Johnson:
the trio
B.G. Johnson:
best sign language interpreter ever!
B.G. Johnson:
flashing and burning
B.G. Johnson:
ecstasy of emotion
B.G. Johnson:
trio in sepia
B.G. Johnson:
terror and pain
B.G. Johnson:
B.G. Johnson:
frenzy II
B.G. Johnson:
a quiet moment at the keyboard
B.G. Johnson:
Brian in the stars
B.G. Johnson:
keeping the beat alive
B.G. Johnson:
nice chords!
B.G. Johnson:
Punk rock drummer
B.G. Johnson:
Brian is quite finished.
B.G. Johnson:
Thank you very much.