BFS Man: Anyone for a Swim?
BFS Man: Creekfield Croc
BFS Man: Hot Pursuit
BFS Man: The Innocent Look
BFS Man: Trying to Hide
BFS Man: Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Road
BFS Man: Why Did the Alligator Cross the Road?
BFS Man: Swimming Discouraged, If Not Prohibited
BFS Man: Guarding the Trail
BFS Man: Trying to Keep Cool
BFS Man: I'll Get You, My Pretties
BFS Man: Creature From the Blue Lagoon
BFS Man: Old Stumpy
BFS Man: Getting a Little Chummy, Are We?
BFS Man: Getting Up Close and Personal - Within Reason
BFS Man: Early Spring in Brazos Bend
BFS Man: Tree Hugger
BFS Man: Life in the Blue Lagoon
BFS Man: Lurker
BFS Man: Passenger
BFS Man: Tiptoe Through the Water Tulips
BFS Man: Gator in the Creekfield Grass
BFS Man: Sound Asleep
BFS Man: Fascinator
BFS Man: Swimming With Purpose
BFS Man: Yes, It's Real
BFS Man: Tagged Trio
BFS Man: Making Way Across 40 Acre Lake
BFS Man: The Calm Before
BFS Man: Lurking