BFS Man: Gulf Building
BFS Man: Entering Union Station
BFS Man: Union Station Front Door
BFS Man: A Dearth of Verticals
BFS Man: He Caught the Red Eye
BFS Man: Water Show at the Bellagio
BFS Man: How Vegas Deals With a Water Shortage
BFS Man: Rome Comes to Vegas
BFS Man: All Aboard!
BFS Man: Houston After Dark
BFS Man: Hopin' That the Train is on Time
BFS Man: St Mary's Church at High Hill
BFS Man: Religious Sculpture at High Hill
BFS Man: Religious Statuary at Praha
BFS Man: Place of Sermons and Homilies
BFS Man: Gothic Ceiling at Praha
BFS Man: Altar 2 of St Mary's at Praha
BFS Man: Altar of St Mary's at Praha
BFS Man: St Mary's Church at Praha
BFS Man: Sts. C&M Church Altar
BFS Man: Choir Member's View at Sts. C&M Church
BFS Man: Sts. C&M Church at Dubina
BFS Man: St. John the Baptist Altar Closeup
BFS Man: St. John the Baptist Altar
BFS Man: St. John the Baptist Altar Statuary
BFS Man: St. John the Baptist Center Aisle
BFS Man: St. John the Baptist Church at Ammansville
BFS Man: Sts. C&M Church Ceiling
BFS Man: H-Town Saturday
BFS Man: Old Building, Galveston