b_fortch: comp 30 phuong tran
b_fortch: phuong and judges
b_fortch: camera crew
b_fortch: fri am audience
b_fortch: verve on 4th machine
b_fortch: ryan wilbur and 'rents
b_fortch: pedde and cattlin
b_fortch: john and george
b_fortch: ryan george john
b_fortch: verve and crema
b_fortch: pedde and wilbur at AP SE
b_fortch: amber on bike tour
b_fortch: amber at AP SE
b_fortch: m boni and blog room
b_fortch: spectators
b_fortch: fourth machine thurs
b_fortch: phuong ready
b_fortch: KATU news at Barista
b_fortch: sather
b_fortch: nerbc champ
b_fortch: IMG_2921.JPG
b_fortch: IMG_2917.JPG
b_fortch: ellie calls the shots
b_fortch: IMG_2909.JPG
b_fortch: kyle and morrissey