bfhoyt: Times Square with Mamma and Pappa
bfhoyt: Liberty birds
bfhoyt: On the subway with Marica
bfhoyt: Outside the Met
bfhoyt: On the subway
bfhoyt: At the chocolate room
bfhoyt: Ice cream at the chocolate room
bfhoyt: A chocolate stout at the chocolate room
bfhoyt: On Brooklyn Bridge 1/3
bfhoyt: On Brooklyn Bridge 2/3
bfhoyt: On Brooklyn Bridge 3/3
bfhoyt: Donut!
bfhoyt: Feeding the goats
bfhoyt: Pumpkins galore
bfhoyt: Front of ship
bfhoyt: Moshulu ship from side
bfhoyt: B&W ship
bfhoyt: With the chef
bfhoyt: Moshulu food 1/5
bfhoyt: Moshulu food 3/5
bfhoyt: Moshulu food 2/5
bfhoyt: Moshulu food 4/5
bfhoyt: Moshulu food 5/5
bfhoyt: Eating at Moshulu
bfhoyt: Moshulu from the outside
bfhoyt: Close up
bfhoyt: Liberty bell
bfhoyt: Liberty
bfhoyt: With Mandela
bfhoyt: "The House of Cheese"