Braulio F. Cosme: Stormy Downtown...
Braulio F. Cosme: Midtown storm...
Braulio F. Cosme: Double rainbow in Midtown...
Braulio F. Cosme: The Milky Way hides beneath the clouds...
Braulio F. Cosme: Nocturnos celestiales...
Braulio F. Cosme: The Lighthouse and the Milky Way...
Braulio F. Cosme: Milky Way highlights...
Braulio F. Cosme: Sea, green, lighthouse and rainbow...
Braulio F. Cosme: A display of sunset colors...
Braulio F. Cosme: High tide...
Braulio F. Cosme: A change of seasons...
Braulio F. Cosme: Autumn at Strawbridge Lake
Braulio F. Cosme: A colorfull view...
Braulio F. Cosme: A rose in tears...
Braulio F. Cosme: Golden waters...
Braulio F. Cosme: Overcast afternoon sky...
Braulio F. Cosme: Flowers of spring...
Braulio F. Cosme: Blooming at night...
Braulio F. Cosme: A rainy day of spring...
Braulio F. Cosme: Pop Corn...
Braulio F. Cosme: Beauty of the mist...
Braulio F. Cosme: The Milky Way over Silver lake, NY...
Braulio F. Cosme: The Milky Way over Silver lake...
Braulio F. Cosme: Yellow falls...
Braulio F. Cosme: The balloon at the edge...
Braulio F. Cosme: The last colors of the day...
Braulio F. Cosme: Lonely beach...
Braulio F. Cosme: An afternoon by the bridge...