bfc07: the green door
bfc07: drawbridge
bfc07: alley shadows
bfc07: roo goofin'
bfc07: bulbs
bfc07: pause to reflect
bfc07: trumpetier
bfc07: church
bfc07: fountain
bfc07: Oglethorpe, yeah I said it
bfc07: faces of savannah
bfc07: a curious reflection
bfc07: porch
bfc07: Roo's an aquaricorn
bfc07: I'm an aquaricorn too!
bfc07: the aquaricorn at rest
bfc07: side yard
bfc07: tree chandelier
bfc07: forsyth park
bfc07: forsyth fountain
bfc07: kelly
bfc07: southern charm
bfc07: roo - creepy carriage house
bfc07: me - creepy carriage house
bfc07: crypt
bfc07: missing hand