Gamlhillel: My first calligraphic work
Gamlhillel: Cristus Rex
Gamlhillel: Christ the King meditation: "is"
Gamlhillel: Christ the King meditation: "Lord is"
Gamlhillel: I Advent - B
Gamlhillel: Meditation: "Be Saved"
Gamlhillel: Meditation: "O Lord, Your Mercy"
Gamlhillel: Advent II - B
Gamlhillel: Meditattion, "My"
Gamlhillel: III Advent - B
Gamlhillel: Meditation, "God"
Gamlhillel: Final Work
Gamlhillel: Metal Nib Exercises
Gamlhillel: Automatic Pen Exercises
Gamlhillel: Our Father (MT 6,9b-11)
Gamlhillel: Our Father (MT 6,9b-11)
Gamlhillel: 2013.07/52