bexxstars: 001 Mom ironing the table cloth
bexxstars: 015 Lemons and Limes
bexxstars: 003 Elliot
bexxstars: 004 Ben
bexxstars: 007 Elliot
bexxstars: 005 Cake
bexxstars: Party People
bexxstars: Party Go-ers
bexxstars: Singing Happy Birthday
bexxstars: Birthday Speech
bexxstars: Hal + Sue
bexxstars: Dee, Molly, Sammie
bexxstars: Sammie
bexxstars: Dad, Carol, Mary
bexxstars: Dad + Students
bexxstars: Carol + Diane
bexxstars: Bexx, Carol, Diane
bexxstars: Bustin' a gut
bexxstars: Still laughing!
bexxstars: Breaking the chains!
bexxstars: 007 Photo collage of Dad
bexxstars: 010 Pictures of Dad
bexxstars: 009 Dad through the ages
bexxstars: 016 Dad
bexxstars: Presents!
bexxstars: 016 Leftover cake
bexxstars: 017 Mom, you're supposed to use a fork!
bexxstars: 002 Lemons
bexxstars: 003 Happy 60th Birthday Mints
bexxstars: 002 Agatha