Bex.Walton: Hot Numbers Coffee
Bex.Walton: Double coffee at Hot Numbers
Bex.Walton: Lining up the coffees
Bex.Walton: King's College Chapel
Bex.Walton: Punt carnage
Bex.Walton: King's College Chapel
Bex.Walton: The gateway to Narnia (AKA St John's College)
Bex.Walton: "Please keep off the grass"
Bex.Walton: New Court
Bex.Walton: Apparently the ducks can't read the "keep off the grass" sign
Bex.Walton: The royal baby's eponymous punt
Bex.Walton: New Court arches
Bex.Walton: The Bridge of Sighs from Kitchen Bridge
Bex.Walton: "To the river"
Bex.Walton: A montage of colourful front doors